How to Protect Home Loan with Term Insurance?

Most individuals view purchasing a home as a major financial objective. People hunt for the ideal spot to call home for years while saving up their money. A young family would find it nearly hard to pay for a property on their own in the current market. The majority of people decide to employ a home loan to finance their ideal endeavors. If you want to take out a loan, be aware that the lender will not give you back the entire amount. In addition to the 20% down payment, you will be responsible for paying other registration fees and stamp duty. Up to 80% of the property’s worth will be given to you by the loan provider.

You will be able to select a loan duration of up to 30 years, although annual interest charges will apply. Equated Monthly Instalments, or EMIs, will be used to assist you in repaying the loan over time. The EMI on your house loan shouldn’t, as a general rule of thumb, exceed 50% of your monthly salary. You may prevent going overboard with your budget by adhering to this rule.

Why Should My House Loan Be Covered?

When your income is consistent, paying your EMIs is a simple task. But have you considered how your family would manage if something were to happen to you? If you’re the family’s main provider, your income is essential to their survival. They might default on the loan if they don’t have it. Should this occur, the property may be repossessed by the lender. Your family can so become homeless in addition to being in financial hardship. Considering all of this, it makes perfect sense to obtain your house loan through a term plan.
When you most need it, your term insurance plan gives you financial stability.

The payment from your term policy will assist your family in repaying the debt if you are no longer able to support them.

What Makes Term Plans Different?

There are several options available to you for loan security. On the market, there are some debt care items. However, the majority choose a term plan as an alternative. Here are some reasons why getting a house loan through a term policy is the best option:

Greater Coverage at Reasonable Premiums

Term plans are just insurance against loss. They are the most reasonably priced life insurance plan available because they don’t provide any extra maturity benefits. With a term insurance plan, you may obtain a life cover of INR 2 crores for as little as INR 1,000 a month. Choose a life insurance policy that is somewhat more than the amount of your house loan. Your nominee will be able to pay off the debt worry-free thanks to the policy payout.

Predetermined Benefit Amount

The coverage amount of a loan cover insurance plan is contingent upon the amount of unpaid loan balances. As a result, the cover amount gradually drops. No matter how much you borrow, the amount guaranteed stays the same when you buy a term plan. These plans are frequently seen as the safer choice to obtain your house loan since they provide a set benefit.

Transfer Assistance

You could decide to move your house loan from one lender to another at any point. Your interest rate and EMI amounts may change if you do this. You may need a lot of documents to finish the transfer because a loan insurance policy is dependent on the loan and repayment. Thankfully, term plans don’t depend on other information. Your term plan will thus continue to offer the same level of coverage even if you move your loan from one lender to another.

Home Loan Protection Plan vs. Home Loan-Linked Term Plan

You have the option of using a term plan or a home loan insurance plan to safeguard your money and your mortgage. Each has advantages and cons of its own. Let’s examine the key areas where they diverge:

Amount of Coverage

Your loan amount is directly related to a home loan protection plan. As the amount of your outstanding loan lowers, so does the sum assured. The sum promised would not be significant if the insured had an accident after the loan payback period.

Conversely, term plans provide a payment of a specific amount guaranteed. The amount is independent of the balance owed on the loan. No matter when anything occurs, the whole amount guaranteed is paid.


In the case of house loan insurance schemes, the beneficiary is the lender. Therefore, the insurance benefit goes to the lender if the policyholder passes away before repaying the debt in full.

A family member may be the beneficiary of a term plan. When acquiring an insurance policy, the policyholder designates a beneficiary. The payout’s intended purpose is up to the beneficiary.

Postponed EMIs

Should the homeowner miss an EMI payment, they will be responsible for paying interest on top of the amount owed. Regretfully, the amount guaranteed under the house loan insurance plan does not rise to reflect the rising rate. Family members of the policyholder will be required to pay the additional sum out of their own pockets in the event of an emergency.

Policyholders have the option to select a sum guaranteed that is marginally more than the loan balance. The money will still assist them in paying the extra interest in the event of any defaults.

Before deciding between term insurance and home loan insurance, those who choose to take out a house loan should weigh their possibilities.

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